Monday, February 25, 2013

Update from the MV Trails Association

Submitted by the MV Trails Association

The Meadow Vista area is networked by 25 to 30 miles of both dedicated county easement trails as well as private trails. The Meadow Vista Trails Association tries to maintain throughout the year.  MVTA would like any residents to feel free to report trail incidents that you may encounter, so we can continue to try to keep the trails safe.   Our web site,  has a Trail Incident Report that will alert us to situations where we need to take action.  An incident can be a maintenance issue, or something safety related such as a fallen tree, deep ruts, etc.  An incident could also include appropriate trail markings or trail misuse. 

 Recently an old oak tree dropped it's top, see photo,  blocking the trail in Christian Valley.  MVTA works as an agent of the County helping with trail construction and maintenance.  Our trail crews are trained and we document our volunteer time when working on County facilities.  

 Please visit our web site for information about the trails' locations, MVTA activities including future meetings and community trail work parties, etc.   Meetings are normally the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at Mtn. Mikes' Pizza.

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