Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bell Ringing Success

By John Pineau, Local Resident

Hooray for the Meadow Vista People! A Special Thank You to all who gave to the “Red Kettles” during the holiday season.  Thanks goes to the US post office for allowing us to ring the bell in front of the building.  Thanks to Bob and Marilyn Baker for heading the event which meant that they set up and broke down the kettle stand and tables each day and furnished candy.

This year has been a heavy burden for the Salvation Army of Auburn and the surrounding community for both food and money.  Thank you to all the volunteers who shook the bell.  The Placer hills Methodist Church manned the bell for a full day. Pastor Romy Velasco said' “I like ringing the bell, it is a part of Christmas giving.”

We collected for a seven day period from 10 am to 5 pm - the final giving was $2,100.23. This is 20% more than last year. Be proud Meadow Vista!

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