Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meadow Vista History - Famous Faces

Every issue of the “Foothill Folks” used to have a feature called “Personality Spotlight” by Donna Mae. These were some of the ‘famed’ citizens of our town of old. See if you can match them then check out their full profile.

1. Pat Buchanan, Realtor
2.  Colonel Earle Temple, Chairman of the Fire District
3. Cliff Ramos, Postmaster 
4. Pat Betteridge, Placer Hills School PTA President
5. Frank E. Pfunder, Placer Hills School Principal
6. Capt. Richard B. Langer, Highway Patrol


  1. F: Cliff Ramos
    E: Pat Betteridge
    D: Col. Temple
    C: Frank Pfunder
    B: Capt. Langner
    A: Pat Buchanan

    Those are my best guesses. How'd I do?

    1. Never mind, I just saw the answers. Looks like I did okay.
