Monday, August 13, 2012

Nature is Waiting with MV Trails Association

By Rich Walker, Meadow Vista Trails Association

MVTA is happy to be the latest dues paying member of the Merchants Association. We continue to be an active Community Service Organization that can help you learn about the community through our local trail network.   In years past we have sponsored local nature walks on the Simpson Ranch, out Combie Rd., with our local historian, George Lay, and covering the local Indian grinding areas in Meadow Vista.  We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about both the public trails and private paths in our area.

 Did you know you can actually walk from CafĂ© Vista, in downtown Meadow Vista to the Placer Nature Center.   You’ll experience dogs, lots of birds, including turkeys, chickens, peacocks, and during the right time of the year, I’ve experienced a rattle snake ball.  We are continuing to follow the guidelines of the Community Plan to keep the community connected through Trails.   We’d love to have you share in the experience of traveling on the old stage coach route into the canyon to the upper reaches of Lake Clementine.   And, it’s all downhill.   We’ve recently had a trail incident reported on our web site of an encounter between a dirt bike and equestrian rider on the Sugar Pine trail around Winchester.   Thankfully no one was hurt, but we’re continuing to educate, that our trails are not open to off road vehicles.   Signs are posted. This incident has been reported to the Sheriff’s office, so they’re watching too.  Mountain bikers have been very cooperative when sharing the tails with equestrians and hikers, and we thank you for that.  Visit our site for current schedule, newsletter and events:

Hope to meet you at our monthly meeting, last Tuesday of the month or on a work day.  Check our newsletter on the website for our meeting location and trail work days. Did you know we have our very own multi-class Meadow Vista horse show, including Trail Trials, --- and it’s coming up. 

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