Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Press Release: MVMA Adopts Placer Hills Park

The Meadow Vista Merchant Association has officially adopted Placer Hills Park (Behind the local pool) and we have coordinated our first day of training and cleaning. Saturday, April 21st from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm is our first scheduled "Work Day" at our newly adopted Placer Hills Park (by the pool).  April 22nd is Earth Day, so this dates coincides nicely. 

We need all interested merchants and friends to notify us by April 10th, so we can notify ARD with the number of participants.  ARD representatives will be on hand to show us how to properly maintain the park and what will be expected of us as a group adopting the park.  Bring your family members and friends and bring something to B-BQ.  It will be a great way for all of us to catch up with one another, give back to our community and enjoy our beautiful surroundings.

Marc Krupin with Cascade Gardens is graciously heading up this function.  If you have specific questions, please contact him at or 530-878-4801.

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