Monday, February 25, 2013

Join or Re-Join the MV Merchants!

It's that time of year again! We have loved having you as a member this past year and can't wait for you to rejoin.MVMA Badge
Dues = $100 - Make checks out to MVMA and mail to PO Box 933, Meadow Vista, CA 95722
Were you a new member last year? You paid $100 when you joined so this year you only owe $8.33 x the # of months you weren't a member last year.
Example: If you joined in August 2012 then you owe...
$8.33 x 7 = $58.31 •  If you have questions call 530-878-8778
Dues are delinquent if not paid by February 28th and your information will be removed from the View and website directories.
Why???? Here are the Benefits of Being a Member
- Listing in the Directory of the View Magazine

- Option to advertise and submit articles in the View Magazine (bi-monthly publication that reaches 3300 residents in Meadow Vista & Applegate)

-Listing & backlink from

- Listing & Backlink from our online View Magazine Blog

- Contribute to community services & events that support shopping local

- Invitation to member events & networking opportunities

- Support small business in our community

Community Service Award Nominations 2013

The Meadow Vista Community is blessed with many selfless, generous, and kind individuals who through their personal efforts, make life better for us all. Each year, Meadow Vista recognizes one of these individuals with The Community Service Award. Nominations are now being accepted for the 17th annual award. Nomination forms are available at Meadow Vista merchants or online at Nomination forms must be received no later than March 20, 2013. Completed forms should be mailed to:
Gil Jaramillo, P. O. Box 507, Meadow Vista, CA 95722

Guidelines for selection of the recipient include the following:

  • Service to the community has been diversified
  • Service has been outside of and beyond the nominee's employment or business activities
  • Service has been over a number of years
  • Nominee has shown a deep concern for the well-being of others
  • Nominee has been an inspiration to others

This year's award will be presented to the recipient during the Meadow Vista MAC meeting at Winchester Country Club. Reception will follow the meeting on May 1st. The honoree will be invited to ride in the Pioneer Day Parade, Sunday, June 2, 2013. A tree will be planted in Meadow Vista Park in the recipient's honor.

5 Tips to Being a Better Leader

By Ashlei Jackson, Qlixite

We’ve all had plenty of experience with leaders...sometimes we even jump into the role ourselves. But as we can all attest - the title does not make you a successful leader. A title does not a motivator make...and that’s what a leader is - someone who draws the success out of others.
 Some leaders have a powerful presence with charisma oozing from every pore. They interact with others with flawless timing and give moving persuasive speeches. How did they become so good? According to Achim Nowak, author of Infectious: How to Connect Deeply and Unleash the Energetic Leader Within, they followed these 5 tips:

1. Be prepared. You can't be compelling if you're worried about what you're going to say next, says Nowak. Assess your audience and review the key points you wish to make but be sure to take about issues that matter to you. The words will flow with greater ease and with more confidence.
2. Shed the stoicism. "The moment we are in business, we step into what I call the veil of the professional role," Nowak says. “It's tough to be charismatic if your interactions don't have passion, humor, or some other element of emotion and human connection,” he says. Basically, if you set yourself apart from people, it's tough to truly connect with them. Nowak asks his clients to think about when they're at home with their children or out with their friends and when they're more "fired up" and to remember that feeling, tapping into it when they're in the office and need to motivate those around them.
3. Embody enthusiasm. Charismatic leadership is more than just what you say so pay attention to your body language. Notice how you stand when you're feeling comfortable and in control and practice that posture. Work on calming your breathing to appear more relaxed and confident. Smile and make eye contact. Crossed arms and anxious body language will undermine even the most passionate message.
4. Be authentic. If it's not your style to make jokes or use metaphors, then don't, says Nowak. Forcing yourself to adopt a style that isn't natural for you is only going to undermine your credibility, he says.
 Get rid of generic responses too. For example, Nowak helped one client increase employees' levels of engagement on conference calls just by changing her standard "that's great" response to more meaningful feedback. "It energized her and energized her listeners. It really is just retraining ourselves to look at how we interact with people on that micro level," he says.
5. Practice. It might sound odd to "practice" being charismatic, but Nowak says it's absolutely possible to increase your appeal and influence through repetition. The "muscle memory" of effective interpersonal communication is as real as that of physical activity.

 Good luck in all of your leadership endeavors!

Meadow Vista Road Work by PG&E

By Dr. Randall Hensley, DC, Hensley Chiropractoc

Pacific gas and electric crews are nearing completion of the first phase in their million dollar plus "community beautification" project in downtown Meadow Vista. Despite rumors that the asphalt plant wants wires removed so they can use taller trucks, or a middle turn lane expansion, or a roundabout, PG&E spokesperson, Brandi Ehlers and Shirley Harrington of the Placer County Community Development department both report that this project is simply part of PG&E's community beautification "Rule 20 A" program in which they spend "rate payer's fees" (i.e.: our electric bill), on removing overhead wires and install them underground. The removal of all power, phone, cable lines and poles is to decrease tree and snow damage (outages) and will make our downtown visually more attractive. Although the MAC was presented with a new future community plan, there are no current plans to enlarge the road, add sidewalks, roundabouts, or stop lights.
 The remaining steps in construction will be to place all the wires for power, phone, cable, etc underground in the new pipes, then reconnect services and remove all overhead wires and telephone poles. Alex Fisch of Placer Country public works Resource Agency said the roadway itself will be refinished when construction is done. The project extends from Meadow Vista Road to Combie Road intersections and is estimated to be completed by summer 2013. But that is dependent on the weather,
 Long story short, they are getting closer and our driving patience will be rewarded with a more beautiful downtown Meadow Vista and Pioneer Day parade route.

IRS Plans Tax Season Opening in 2013

By JC Harrison, Simplified Business & Tax Services

Following the January tax law changes made by Congress under the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA), the Internal Revenue Service announced today it plans to open the 2013 filing season and begin processing individual income tax returns on Jan. 30.

 The IRS will begin accepting tax returns on that date after updating forms and completing programming and testing of its processing systems. This will reflect the bulk of the late tax law changes enacted Jan.2. The announcement means that the vast majority of tax filers -more than 120 million households -should be able to start filing tax returns starting Jan 30.

 The IRS estimates that remaining households will be able to start filing in late February or into March because of the need for more extensive form and processing systems changes. This group includes people claiming residential energy credits, depreciation of property or general ,business credits. Most of those in this group file more complex tax returns and typically file closer to the April 15 deadline or obtain an extension.

Holistic Health: Principles for Lifestyle Choices

By Joel Curry, MSW, CMT, Pathways to Health

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that of the key factors influencing an individual's state of health, everyday lifestyle choices comprise 53%. Quality of medical care is only 10%. Heredity accounts for 18% and environment is 19%.   The decisions people make about their life and habits are, therefore, by far the largest factor in determining their state of wellness.” Susan A Walter, The American Holistic Health Association.

       A few of the principals on which to base life style choices have to do with managing stress, becoming  aware of  how nutrition effects us, and staying physically fit.

         Managing Stress:  Massage Therapists can usually identify the primary activity of a person just by kneading their upper back and neck for a few moments.  The “chronic” commuter and computer user have repetitive use tension that crunches muscles to the point of triggering pain receptors.  This pain due to over-use is sending a message to us saying “Back Off!,  I need a rest”.  The  real stress comes when we are unable to listen to these signals. 

 Nutrition:  Andrew Weil, a Harvard trained MD and one of the most vocal propionates of holistic or natural health, begins his book NATURAL HEALTH, NATURAL MEDICINE  with a chapter entitled “What Should I Eat”. Nutrition is considered a vital life style choice in maintaining system balance by many health practitioners.  It is a factor that we may have the most freedom of choice to change for the better. 

 Exercise: Like dealing with stress and nutrition, keeping ourselves in reasonable shape is one of the spokes of the wheel that keeps us turning.   Exercise, even moderate levels, helps keep our stress level down and serves to transfer nutritional energy into useful functions in our bodies.  Just a thirty minute walk a day can have significant benefits.  Walking around the grocery store is better than using a golf cart, but the most benefit comes from walking while just enjoying the surroundings or the conversation of a fellow walker.   And walking in nature adds a connection to our source that borders on the spiritual and may be necessary in maintaining good health. 

 For most of us, just becoming more aware of  our stress level, our diet, and exercise will have tremendous benefits to our overall well being.   For more information on natural health from Dr. Weil, check out his web site at, and from The American Holistic Health Association at effects of holiday induced stress.

MV Community Center Update

Update from the MV Trails Association

Submitted by the MV Trails Association

The Meadow Vista area is networked by 25 to 30 miles of both dedicated county easement trails as well as private trails. The Meadow Vista Trails Association tries to maintain throughout the year.  MVTA would like any residents to feel free to report trail incidents that you may encounter, so we can continue to try to keep the trails safe.   Our web site,  has a Trail Incident Report that will alert us to situations where we need to take action.  An incident can be a maintenance issue, or something safety related such as a fallen tree, deep ruts, etc.  An incident could also include appropriate trail markings or trail misuse. 

 Recently an old oak tree dropped it's top, see photo,  blocking the trail in Christian Valley.  MVTA works as an agent of the County helping with trail construction and maintenance.  Our trail crews are trained and we document our volunteer time when working on County facilities.  

 Please visit our web site for information about the trails' locations, MVTA activities including future meetings and community trail work parties, etc.   Meetings are normally the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at Mtn. Mikes' Pizza.

Meadow Vista Easter Egg Hunt 2013!

Submitted by Etta Gross, MV Lion’s Club

Mark your calendars for the MV Lion’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
March 31, 2013 at 10 a.m. SHARP!
Location: Placer Hills play-yard.

Remember if you are two minutes late, you missed it!  Arrive EARLY! Please bring your own basket to collect the Easter Eggs in.  Thank you Meadow Vista and surrounding community Girl Scouts for filling the Easter Eggs!

Thank You from Meadow Vista Friendly Neighbors!

By Etta Gross, MV Friendly Neighbors Club

Christmas is much brighter for 125 families this year due to Meadow Vista and surrounding area volunteers.  Thank you to the local Boys and Girls Scouts, the 4H Club, Meadow Vista Lions, church members and residents that came out on Friday, December 14, 2012 and  physically assembled the Christmas food baskets. Thank You goes to Sierra Hills and Weimar Hills schools and the 4H Club for their canned food drives which helped to supply the food that made up the baskets. 

 Thank you to Placer Hills Community United Methodist Church for their fabulous job collecting canned foods, not only this year but many years past.  A Thank you to those secret Santa's that delivered presents to Wells Fargo Bank in Meadow Vista.  It would not be Christmas without Santa. THANKS goes to the organizations and businesses that made special presents appear to brighten the families' Christmas.

 Everyone that contributed to the Meadow Vista Christmas Baskets either financially or with their time and efforts, “Thank You”, without your assistance this project would not be possible!  


New Homeowner Protections for 2013

By Christine Schlittenhart, Sierra Pacific Real Estate

The New Year brings more protection to California homeowners, mainly those who are trying to save their properties from being repossessed.

 The Homeowner Bill of Rights, signed by the governor this year, is a set of new laws that puts the onus on banks to help consumers through the foreclosure process. The new laws went into effect Jan.

The legislation, lauded by housing advocates and heavily criticized by the lending industry, forces banks to:
• Stop dual tracking, the process of starting the foreclosure process while a loan modification has been submitted or being reviewed by the bank. Borrowers in the past have lost their homes to foreclosure as a result of this situation. Under the new law, banks must give loan-modification applicants a response before starting the foreclosure process. Banks also will have to inform consumers who don't apply for a loan modification that they have the right to do so.
• Stop robo-signing, the process of approving foreclosure documents without proper review.
• Assign one point of contact to borrowers who are trying for a loan modification.
• One of the laws also allows borrowers to sue loan servicers for violating any foreclosure laws.
Some of the provisions in the package echo those in the national mortgage settlement, a deal struck earlier this year between five major lenders and 49 states, including California. The Homeowner Bill of Rights though firms up those provisions into law, which is key because the mortgage settlement terms will end in 2015.  Are you a homeowner who is underwater and needs to do a short sale? Do you want to refinance but don't know what your home is worth? Call one of your LOCAL real estate agents today!

A Healthier Approach to Change

By Richard Peatman, Pharm D, Meadow Vista Pharmacy

Here we go again. It's another new year, and we all like to think about making changes.  This is a great time to plan on improving your health, losing weight, getting more exercise and spending more time with your family. 

 Before you take the plunge, check with your healthcare provider for goals that are reasonable for you.  Start small, with one goal at a time, and make a solid plan. Remember: small changes really do add up. One way to be more effective is to create SMART goals. These are the elements of SMART goals:

• Specific. State exactly what you want to accomplish. Make sure your goal is not hard to understand. Getting fit is not a specific goal. Being able to run a 5K under 30 minutes is. Write down exactly what you plan to do as well as when and how often. Post it where you'll be sure to see it.  
• Measurable. If a goal is measurable, you can evaluate your progress and know when you've succeeded. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you can check your body mass index (BMI) or see if you can get the zipper up on a smaller pair of pants.
• Attainable. Maybe you want to lose 50 pounds by your class reunion this summer. But seriously, now, is this really realistic? Instead, have a conversation with your health care provider about safe methods and rates of weight loss.  Losing one pound a week might be more reasonable. Or, maybe you'd like to quit smoking cold turkey, but you know you need help.  Today, there are many excellent medications that make it easy to stop.  Get help!
• Relevant.  Is this really a goal you're interested in? Or is it something a family member has foisted upon you? Make sure the steps you're taking will help you meet your specific goal.
• Time-bound. It's human nature to put things off. So remember to set specific deadlines. Try setting lots of shorter time-bound goals. This may make it easier to stay on track and reach your final destination. 

You are also more likely to succeed if you are clear about why you want to make a particular change and know how it will benefit you. Also, identify your support system and ask for help when you need it. Unsure about what you should change? Friends, family and health professionals can offer advice but of course, it's all up to you.  Need more motivation?  Look to friends who have made significant changes for the better in their lives and use them as examples to encourage you.  Remember, sometimes the smallest changes can greatly improve your life.